Rain, Rain, Go Away!
Lots of rain over the past two days. Really heavy downpoors over night. We had a little (very little) break this morning. The sun was actually out for a short period of time. Clouding up again and I think we will see some more rain this afternoon into tonight. Tomorrow the chances for rain drop dramatically…10-20%. The good news is that by Saturday, it will be clear with temperatures into the mid 70s. Sunday and through next week, we are looking at 80s!
Needless to say, with all this rain, they are running four generators and a couple of spillways. Total release is close to 15000 cfs. We are currently 3 feet above power pool. I expect to see this come up some more due to the run off and also, they opened the spillways at Beaver Dam this morning.
Jim on the water Sunday with one of our regulars, Chris. He broke in his Orvis bamboo rod! Good day for Chris on the ruby and baby ruby. Darren and Dana had a group of guys from Maryland on the water. Dana took Tal and they he was catching on the ruby 2 and P&P midges. Darren had Todd and Clark. Their flies were the P&P midge under the big ruby and the mop fly.

Tommy – 5/3/22
Tuesday, it was a group of six on the water. This was one of those days when they cranked up the water and fishing was tough. Tommy and Guy fished with Dana. They caught a few fish on the copperhead black and Ruby 2 midges.

Guy – 5/3/22
Gina had Ned and Dick. It was the Ruby 2 midge for them. Jim had Glen and Bill and they really didn’t have any good patterns. Good news is that everyone had a fun time.