Beautiful Weather!

For this time of the year, we are having some great weather.  Yesterday and today are seeing upper 60s.  A brief nose dive tomorrow due to a front coming in so we will see mid 30s.  After the rain passes Wednesday morning it will go back in to the low to mid 50s and back into the 60s next week.

Since we had that big rain almost two weeks ago, Table Rock just keep getting water.  They have been running two to three units almost 24/7 and making no head way.  Until Table Rock gets back to 915 feet elevation, this trend will probably continue.  Makes wade fishing a bit difficult.

Darren and Carolyn on the water Saturday.  Lots of sunshine, a little wind and good temperatures.  Darren had Terry and Jason from Kansas on the water for half a day.  Good day for them on midges.  Tom from Kansas fished half a day with Carolyn.  They had a good day mainly on a cerise San Juan worm dropped from the big ruby.  Caught a few on the ruby 2 midge and a few on an orange egg pattern but the San Juan fished steady.

Sunday, Darren took Natalie out.  Even though two units were running, they opted to stay up in the flats area around the fish ladder.  Pretty good day on his midge combo.

