Beautiful Weather@

August 13th, 2024

Yesterday was gorgeous!  Overcast with temperatures in the 70s.  Did get into the low 80s during the afternoon, but very comfortable.  Had some rain today, but it is in the low 70s right now and might see low 80s by this afternoon.  The rest of the week and into Saturday, we are looking at low 90s.  Sunday and Monday, upper 80s.

Very little water over the weekend.  One unit on for an hour one day and on for two hours the next day.  Yesterday, it was off until 2:00 p.m.  Projecting for today was two units coming on at noon.  Think that is the same for tomorrow.  Lots of wading time during the morning hours.

Gary on the water last Wednesday with Tony and Justin.  First time for these guys so it was instructional as well as trying to catch a few fish.  They caught a few on the peach egg.

Carolyn had Hunter from Ohio on the river Thursday.  Fun day catching on a black midge and the Oregon cheese Eggstasy pattern.  Pull a JQ and caught a couple on that.

Saturday, Dana took Ryan and his seven year old son out for half a day.  Brand new fishers.  Black copperhead midge was their ticket.

Peter – 8/12/24

Peter and Jan fished with Carolyn Monday.  Good day for them on the black copperhead midge under the ruby 2.  Started Jan out with the Oregon cheese Eggstasy and she caught a few on that, but Peter and the black midge was getting hits 3-1 over her pattern, so it wasn’t long and she also fished the black copperhead midge.  Fun day!  We were celebrating their five-year anniversary!  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AND MANY MORE!!!

Good Days…..Bad Days!

August 7th, 2024

Beautiful weather right now.  And, it looks like more to come.   High today in the mid 80s.  Upper 80s Thursday and through the weekend it will be in the low 80s!!  Next week will start off with mid 80s Monday then creep into the mid 90s by the end of the week.

We continue to see water off during the morning hours for the week days.  The weekend had water off most of the day.  Still experiencing low dissolved oxygen in the morning hours.  Improves as the morning goes on.  When the generators start, it drops back again and is pretty good for a few hours after they shut down the generators.

Darren and Dana had a group of six waders on the water last Tuesday.  It was one of those tough days.  They fish they caught were on a crackleback on the b-bug.

Friday, Gary took Jack out for a morning wade trip.  Good day stripping an olive wooly bugger or nymphing the peach egg.

Dana had Caleb and Ryan from Kansas on the water Saturday.  Pretty good day on the white grub.

Monday, Jim had Lyndol and Aaron out for half a day.  They were pulling streamers and managed to catch a few fish.  Richard from Texas, was on the water with Dana.  He caught a few on a pink egg pattern.  This was Richard’s birthday.  Happy Birthday Richard!!

Today, Wednesday, Gary took Tony and Justin on an instructional/wade trip.  Not a lot of fish, but they did land some on the peach egg pattern and learned a lot.   Scott and his son, Lane fished with Dana.

Marilyn – 8/7/24

They were catching on a tan scud.  Carolyn’s couple, Ken and Marilyn from Oklahoma, had a good day on an egg pattern under the Ruby 2.  Caught a few on the Ruby 2 but most were on the egg.  Really fun day!

Ken – 8/7/24

Some Hot Weather In The Forecast!

July 28th, 2024

Days are starting to get hot again and with the humidity, it can be miserable!  Forecast is showing 100 degrees for Wednesday.

This weekend we had a low one unit on in the late afternoon for a couple hours.  Today we will see no generation until around 3:00 when they will open up two generators and run for several hours.  Tomorrow will be no generation until noon, then two units for an hour and up to four for 8-9 more hours.

Carolyn on the water with Chris from Texas last Monday.  Fun day with the black copperhead or Ruby 2 midge under a pink Eggstasy.

Nic – 7/22/24

Dana had Nic & Dan from North Carolina out for half a day.  They had a great day stripping an olive wooly bugger.

Dan – 7/22/24


Tuesday, two sisters, Denise and Sherrie, from Arkansas fished with Carolyn.  Fun day catching on the Ruby 2 and Black copperhead midges.

Dana had a wade trip Thursday with Cody, Jackson and Collin from Idaho.  They did well on the holographic green crackleback and olive wooly bugger.

Friday, Ken, from Florida fished with Dana.  Tough day for Ken.

Frank – 7/27/24

Saturday, Mark and Frank fished with Carolyn.  First run resulted in a double (both hooked and landed a fish at the same time).  Then we had to work for them.  Did catch more on the black copperhead, Ruby 2 and P&P midges.

Mark – 7/27/24

Fun day with these guys.  Dana had Mike and Steve on the water.  Caught some on the olive wooly bugger and holographic green crackleback.

More Great Weather!

July 24th, 2024

Love these days in the 80s.  Looks like they will continue through the weekend.  Monday on is showing low 90s.  Some slight chances for rain starting Friday.

We continue to see no generation during the morning hours.  On anywhere from noon to 2:00 p.m.

Carolyn on the water Monday with Chris from Texas.  Good day for him on the black copperhead and

Dan – 7/22/24

Ruby 2 midges under a pink Eggstasy.  Nic and his father, Dan where on the water with Dana.  Good day for these guys stripping the olive wooly bugger.

Nic – 7/22/24

Tuesday, Denise and her sister Sherrie fished with Carolyn  Fun ladies catching fish on the black copperhead midge early then switched off to the Ruby 2 midge.



Nice Weather!

July 22nd, 2024

Definitely having cooler weather than we normally have this time of the year.  Temperatures have been in the low to mid 80s the past several days.   Several days we have had some rain.  Light showers this morning and the high should hit 80.  All of this week looks like mid to upper 80s!

Still leaving the generators off during the morning hours then a few on for four to five hours in the afternoon.

Dana on the water last Thursday with David from Ohio.  Good day on the red d-rib midge.

Friday, Dana took out Rickey from Texas.  They caught some fish on the olive wooly bugger and an orange egg pattern.

Lilah – 7/20/24

Carolyn had Travis and his daughter, Lilah on the water Saturday.  This was Lilah’s first time with a fly rod and she did great.  Picked up casting quickly and when we finally got into some fish, she did a great job of playing and bringing in the fish.  Black copperhead midge under a pink Eggstacy


July 17th, 2024

Wow!  Did we get a ton of rain last night.  Taneycomo looks like they are running generators, but it is just the runoff from all the rain we got.

Generation continues to be off during the morning hours until noon or 1:00 p.m.  This may change with all the rain we just got.  Once noticeable thing over the past month has been how the fishing has not been very good until later in the morning….10:00 a.m. and on.  This is probably the result of the dissolved oxygen levels.  If you check these readings, they are in the 3.00 ppm range early (6:00 a.m.) and as the morning progresses, it will climb up into the 4.00 ppm, 5.00 ppm, etc.  Usually when it hits 4.00 ppm, fishing starts up and as it climbs, fishing just gets better.  Bad news is that about the time it really starts getting good, it’s time for the generators and there goes the wade fishing!

Dustin – 7/8/24

Dana on the water last Tuesday with Don and Dustin.  Slow morning, but they did land some on the P&P, black copperhead midge, under an orange egg.

Last Wednesday and Thursday, Gina had Mary and Rick from Kansas City on the water.  They had a worked hard but had a couple good days on the Ruby 2, Tiger Tail and an olive wooly bugger.  Like I mentioned, earlier, as it got closer to time for the generators to come on, fishing picked up.

Friday, Michael and Chase fished with Dana.  Pink egg pattern was their saver of the day.

John – 7/12/24

Carolyn had John and his friend Adonis, on the water,  This was the first time for Adonis with a fly rod, so they worked on casting a little.  Best patterns were a black copperhead midge under a pink Eggstasy.

Adonis – 7/12/24

Saturday, Dana had Todd from Texas on the water  Another tough day but they caught on the olive wooly bugger.

Some Hot Days On The Water!

June 23rd, 2024

Seeing lots of 90 degree days.  Looks like that will be the trend for the next 10 days.  Slight chances for rain several of the days, but probably just enough to make it humid!

So far the past four days or so, we have seen no generation until around 1:00-2:00 p.m.  Then they turn on two units for an hour then bump it up to four units for four to five hours, back down to one then off.  Looks like that is the schedule for Monday.

Everyone on the water a week ago this past Thursday.  Darren out with Norm and Ryan.

Joe – 6/13/24

Dana had Dana and Joe and

Dana – 6/13/24

Carolyn had Richard and Thomas.  Fun day for everyone.  Darren’s guys were catching on the copper dun and ruby 2 midges.  Dana’s guys on the Ruby 2 midge and cerise San Juan worm.  Carolyn’s guys on the cerise San Juan worm and Ruby 2 midge.

A week ago this past Saturday, Jim had one of his long-time regulars, Scotty, on the water again.  Fun day for them just getting together, but they Scotty was catching on a JQ streamer.

Last Tuesday, Carolyn took Rob and his son, Alex out for half a day.  Good day for them on the Ruby 2 & P&P midges.

Dustin – 6/19/24

Dana had Justin and Grand from Louisiana on the water Wednesday.  Black copperhead

Grant – 6/19/24

and Ruby 2 midges were their patterns.

Friday, Carolyn had Tador from Oklahoma on the water.  Started up below the root wad and it was a slow morning.  Drifted down to toward the narrows and picked up a few fish on the drift.  Got down below the narrows and it was the ruby 2 and P&P midges that saved the day!

Dana and Carolyn took a group out Saturday.

Martyn – 6/22/24

Carolyn was fishing Martyn and Art.  Martyn is a stripper guide in Texas.  Really good day for these guys on the Tiger Tail, Holographic green crackleback and the

Art – 6/22/24

Ruby 2 and P&P midges.  Dana had Gavin and Collin.  They had a good day catching on the Tiger Tail and JQ streamers.

Lots Of Trips

June 12th, 2024

Beautiful weather right now.  Lots of sunshine and no rain in the forecast for a couple more days.  Then the chances are slight.  Let’s hope it stays that way as we do not need any more rain!

Because of all the rain we had last weekend, they have been running three to four generators almost all day the past few days.  We will probably see that trend continue for a few more days until we get back down closer to power pool.

Dana had Dan and Wes on the water last Wednesday.  Afternoon float for them.  Pretty good day on the Ruby 2 and P&P midges.

Jamie – 6/7/24

Friday, Dana and Carolyn had a family, Mom & Dad, their son and future daughter-in-law.  Fun day even though they were messing with the water.  Dana’s boat was catching on the ruby 2 and P&P midges and Carolyn’s on a red San Juan worm and the P&P midge.  Jim was out with Greg from Baldwin.  It was the ruby midge and tan mop fly for them.

Saturday, Dana and Carolyn had another group.  One we have had for the past several years.  Dana had Jim and Addie.

Addie – 6/8/24

This was Addie’s first time fly fishing and she can now say she has caught fish on a fly rod.  They were using a Ruby 2, mega worm and the big ruby.  Carolyn had Brandon and Luke

Luke – 6/8/24

and they had a good day on the Ruby 2, P&P, and a gray scud.  Jim fished with Nick from Kansas.  It was the blood worm and black copperhead midge for him.

Monday, Carolyn took Ray from Alabama out for half a day.  There was to have been no generation until 2:00 on this day.  Before getting to the boat ramp, a horn blew.  Over time, a total of five horn blew, and they eventually had all four generators running.  Pretty much a blow out day.  Caught a few fish on a cerise San Juan worm under the big ruby.  Dana had Kevin and his son, Dakota out.  Tough day for them too.  Peach Eggstacy was what they finally got a fish on.


Fishing Is Good!

June 4th, 2024

Looks like good weather for the next few days.  Saturday and Sunday are showing chances of rain and temperatures in the upper 70s.  Next week looks pretty good now with temperatures in the low 80s.

They continue to run some water every day.  We did have no generation Monday morning until noon.  Today they ran one unit until 10:00 a.m. and they bumped it up to two units.

Carolyn on the water last Thursday with a couple of her regulars, Charlie and Brenda from St. Joseph.  Good day for them on the big ruby with a red San Juan worm early in the trip.  Later in the day the dropper changed to the Lightning Bug.  Fished especially well on the high bank across from Pointe Royale.

Had two students on the water Sunday and they learned dry fly presentation with Cicadas on the high bank.

Jim and Rod from Springfield fished with Jim on Monday.  Good day for them on a streamer and the black copperhead midge.

Lots Of 80 Degree Days Ahead!

May 28th, 2024

More warm days and slight possibilities of rain scattered in.

Generators off until 9:00 yesterday and again this morning.  Then they turned on two units.  We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Dana on the water Saturday with Chris and Sarah.  Fun day for them catching on the P&P midge.

Dana and Darren on the water Sunday with a group out of Oklahoma.  Darren had Grayson and Jackson.  Another P&P day plus the red San Juan worm.  Dana’s guys, Braden & Alex were also catching on these patterns.

Alex – 5/26/24






























































