And The Wind Goes On!
Beautiful past couple of days with the temperatures in the 80s. Today will be upper 70s or low 80s and not so much sunshine. However, the wind it still blowing umpteen miles an hour! Slight chances for rain this afternoon. Wednesday looks great! 80s and sunshine. Thursday is our best chance for rain with temperatures in the upper 70s. The weekend is going to cool down into the low 60s.
They continue to keep the generators off most of the day. Off yesterday until 4:00 when two units came on for a couple hours then back off. Today is no generation until 5:00 p.m. Three hours and back off.

Carol – 4/15/24
Carolyn on the water blowing around yesterday with Dale and Carol from Arkansas. Trend the past several days has been tough fishing during the morning hours and then some time around 11:00 to noon, they fish decide they are going to eat.

Dale – 4/15/24
That was the case again yesterday. Maybe one or two hits during the morning hours then just before lunch but especially after lunch, the bite was on. Most everything was caught on the black copperhead midge. A few on an orange egg pattern. Fun day when the fish started hitting.