Nice, But Cool Weather! Rain Moving In!
We have had some great days this past week. Temperatures in the mid to upper 60s and lots of sunshine. Unfortunately, it looks like rain for Monday. Good news is that will probably be it for another week.
Generation schedule still crazy. Turned on one unit yesterday at 8:00 a.m. then two at 9:00. Today was supposed to be off until 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. but they blew the horn at 9:00 and water chased the waders off the river. Tomorrow is supposed to be off until 1:00 p.m. when a low one will come on for an hour then up to two units for three hours, three units for a couple hours, back to two for two hours and then off……we’ll see!
Jim on the water a week ago last Saturday (I’m behind) with John and Kyle from Oklahoma. They caught fish on the JQ streamer, ruby and black copperhead midges. Water was off so they stayed above the boat ramp.
Sunday Dana took Scott and Jacqueline out for half a day. This was her first time with a fly rod. They caught a few fish on the ruby 2 midge.

Chester – 11/11/24
Meredith and Chester had a great day last Monday with Dana. They had a full day and caught all day on the Ruby 2 and black copperhead midges.
Tuesday was a completely different day for Meredith and Chester. They fished with Jim but the water can on and then the water went off so the fish were trying to figure out where they should be instead of eating. They did catch several on the ruby 2 midge and a micro scud. Carolyn on the water with Kenneth. Same problem with the water levels. He caught all his fish on the Ruby 2 under the big ruby.
Thursday, Norman fish with Carolyn for half a day. Three units running when starting and then it was dropped back to two. Ruby 2 and P&P midges and a red San Juan worm were the patterns. Lots of water and lots of wind. At one time the wind was so hard it blew the boat upstream with three units running!!

Norman – 11/14/24