Turned Flood Gates Off Today!
Still getting lots of rain. Rained off and on Tuesday. Wednesday was dry until late in the day and it rained for a little while. Rain early this morning and expecting more rain tomorrow. Saturday and Sunday look dry and temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s. Next chances for rain looks like Tuesday.
Five flood gates running for several days along with two generators. Today at 1:00 p.m. they turned the flood gates off. We picked up at least half an inch of rain yesterday for we will have to see what impact this has on the lake. Would not be surprised to see them turn on some more flood gates in a few days. Depends on where the lake level goes.
Dana on the water Sunday with Greg and Rick from Kansas. Good day for these guys catching on the white mega worm, ruby 2 and P&P midges.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Jim had one of his regulars, Jerry, on the water. Jerry started fishing with Jim in 2004. They had a good two days on the JQ streamer, ruby midge and hot hare’s ear nymph. Carolyn had Clark from Illinois on the water Tuesday and Wednesday.

Clark – May 14, 2024
They too had a couple good days on the ruby 2 and lightning bug midges, Tiger Tail streamer with a holographic green crackleback trailer, cream mop fly and the red San Juan Worm. Dana was out Thursday with Alec and Jim. Good day for these guys on the ruby 2 midge and a peach fur bug.