Fishing Is Getting Better!

Looks like we are in for a batch of rain over the next few days.  80% chances for rain today and tomorrow.  20% Thursday and 30% Friday.  Weekend looks like 40% Saturday and 30% Sunday.  This too will change.  But, we certainly could use the rain.

No major change in the generation pattern.  Water coming on anywhere from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. and staying on for four to five hours, then off for the rest of the evening.

Dana on the water last Wednesday with a group of four from Illinois.  John and Maleca, and Terry and Gina.  They wanted to wade so he book them across from the boat ramp.  Not a barn burner day, but they landed some on the P&P and Ruby 2 midges.  Broke off more than they brought in.  John and his son, Joseph, fished with Jim.  They had a fun day stripping the sculpin.  Also caught some on a tan scud.

Jackson – 9/14/23

Jamie and his son, Jackson, fished with Gary on Thursday.

Jamie – 9/14/23

Good day for them on the Ruby 2 midge and when it stopped catching, the mop fly.   Mike from Osage Beach spent half a day on the water with Dana.  He had a good day stripping the tiger tail.  Carolyn was on the water with friends from Kansas, Bob and Linda.  Good day for them on the Ruby 2 and P&P midges.  Caught several browns and they were all caught on the P&P.  The rainbows were only taking the Ruby 2.  Bob landed a nice 20 inch rainbow.

Bob with 20″ rainbow – 9/17/23

Roy – 9/17/23

Sunday, Gina had a couple of her regulars, Dan and Roy out for the day.  They had a good day stripping the crackleback and tiger tail.

Dan – 9/17/23




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