Fishing Has Improved!

Starting to feel and look a lot more like Fall.  Temperatures today in the mid 50s. Forecast for tomorrow is more of the same.  We were predicted to have a freeze warming by morning, but I think we might escape that one!  Maybe a low in the 30s with mid to upper 50s.  Saturday through mid week temperatures are forecast in the mid 60s with chances of showers creeping in Tuesday and increasing Wednesday and Thursday.  Weekend looks dry with temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s

The generation schedule continues to look spastic.  On pretty high in the mornings, about  707.0 levels, then dropping down, then back up, or today, off!  tomorrow should be about the same as projected today, but it is off right now and they say they will be running it until 10:00 p.m. tomorrow.  We will see!

Had one of the toughest days I have spent on Taneycomo last Thursday.  I took Rich and his son, James out for half a day.  James is eleven and this was his first fly fishing trip.  Fortunately, he had a good time, but certainly did not catch his first trout on this trip.  We boated a few fish, lost a few fish, and had very few hits that were missed.  Generation was, of course, spastic, but not any worse than we can see on any given day.  The water was off colored, and the strangest thing we all noticed was that we did not see fish!  We even had an opportunity to get into the water and move around… fish at our feet, no fish in the normal spots where we see them.  Anyway, glad that day is over, happy James had fun and he said he will come back and see me.

Now for better days.  Stan, Bob and Jim were scheduled for an instructional wade trip with Jim last Saturday.  Looked like a “go” but, turned out to be a “no go”.  Water was on.  Anyway, they improvised and managed to get into the water (which did go back to zero units a little later) and work on skills and even catching.  Landed fish on the ruby midge and hot hare nymph.  Stan on the water that day with Gary and Dave from Texas for half a day.  Good day for these buys on the big ruby, little ruby and P&P midges.  Ed and Rick from Kansas spent the morning out with Dana.  They caught on the little ruby, a red San Juan worm, and an orange egg pattern.   Gine had a couple of her regulars

Dale - 10/19/13

Dale – 10/19/13

out all day, Dale and Glenn.  Dale brought in this nice 19-1/2″ rainbow.  They had a good afternoon on the P&P midge, a size 14 crackleback and the CQ streamer.  Didn’t get enough on Saturday, so they went out again Sunday morning.  Another good outting for these guys on the P&P and little ruby midges. 

Gelnn - 10/20/13

Gelnn – 10/20/13




Monday, Carolyn took Jim from Rolla, out for half a day.  His wife, Diane, rode along to help coach him and enjoy the beautiful Fall day.  Jim had a good day on the big ruby midge with a size 16 black midge dropper to start the morning.  As we progressed down the river, we switched to an egg dropper along the high bank below Lookout Island. 

Jim's first rainbow on fly rod - 10/21/13

Jim’s first rainbow on fly rod – 10/21/13

Steady hits all morning.  Guess who’s coming back to learn how to fly fish!  Diane!!

On the river again Tuesday.  Bryan, from the St. Louis area, floated with Carolyn.  Really good day for Bryan.  He’s only been fly fishing for a few years, but has come a long ways.  Even in the heavy wind we experienced Tuesday, he usually put his line where it had to be.  Best patterns were the lightening bug, big ruby and the CQ streamer. 

Wednesday, Jim took Jerron and his wife, Ty, out for a half-day instructional trip.  This couple from Louisiana wanted to learn everything they could cram into a half day about fly fishing.  Jim did his best and they even landed from fish on the red midge the hot hare nymph and pulling the CQ streamer.   Carolyn had Cheryl and her husband, Gary out for half a day.  Good day for these two, especially Cheryl.  They boated fish on the big ruby, the lightening

Cheryl - 10/23/13

Cheryl – 10/23/13

bug, and stripping a CQ streamer with the 2.6 ips sinking leader.  Cheryl is fairly new to this sport, but is already throwing a pretty nice line.

Gary - 10/23/13

Gary – 10/23/13

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