We Are Seeing Some Wading Water!

Great, but hot weather we have seen over for several days.  And, it looks like it will continue for a while.  The are slight chances for moisture through Sunday, but these are slight.  After that a row of 90 degree days into next weekend.

Yeah!  We have had three days in a row with no generation in the morning.  Yesterday, the water came on at 1:00 p.m.  Wednesday it came on at noon.  We are not expecting generation today until around 1:00 p.m.  With the hot days, it’s time to get off the water anyway!

Tuesday, Jim was on the water for half a day with Ron from North Dakota.  Water was tough Tuesday.  They did land some fish on the #16 red midge, and #18 black and ugly midges.  Carolyn was finishing the second day of a two-day fly fishing school with Bill Miller (no relation) from Kansas.  We experimented with lots of different patterns and techniques and Bill either hooked or landed fish on most of them.  I think the big ruby with the copper dun dropper was our most consistent patterns. 

Roger and his friend, John, from Texas spent half a day on the water with Jim Wednesday.  Another tough day for these two new fly fishers but they had a lot of fun.  Patterns were the red midge, black midge and the P&P.  Stan had Kevin, a red fish fly fisher from Texas out all day.  Of course he liked stripping the CQ streamer.  They also caught fish on the big ruby with a peach egg dropper.  Most of his fish, however, were on the CQ.  Used the ruby and egg on the drift out.  Good day for Kevin.

Thursday. Stan spent all day on the water with Mike from Arkansas.  Mike fishes in Arkansas a lot and had never fished Taneycomo.  He thought it was a pretty good fishery!  Good day on the P&P and big ruby.  Gina had KC (his father fished with Jim the day before) and Izzie on the water in the morning.  they wanted to learn how to cast well enough to hook a trout.  Success!  Best patterns were the P&P with a blood worm dropper and a size 12 olive wooly bugger.

Izzie & KC - 6/20/13

Tommy, from Oklahoma, took half a day trip with Carolyn.  Fun day on the water.  Highlight of the day was the trout that was cast to, hooked, and landed…all on the other side of a large downed tree!  Good day on the P&P, blood worm dropper and the big ruby with the red San Juan worm dropper when the three generators came on.  Lots of fun action this way. 

Tommy - 6/20/13

Price and Marge from Kansas had not fished with Jim since early last year.  Time to get on the water again.  Great day for these two on the CQ streamer, black zebra midge and blood worm dropper. 

Unfortunately, they must have had some unexpected power needs today.  Projection for generation was not until 1:00 p.m. this afternoon.  They turned on two units at 9:00 a.m.

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