Yes, we did get some rain as a result of Isaac.  What we really got, especially yesterday, was WIND!  Pretty day today.  A little warm and humid…low 903.  Mid to upper 90s forecast through Thursday, when a chance of showers moves in for Friday along with a drop in temperatures.

As I mentioned previously, we mostly had generation during last week, except for Thursday morning.  However, Saturday and again today, the generators have been off except for three hours yesterday afternoon.  The projection is for a low to start up today around 3:00 p.m. for about two hours.  Tomorrow’s projection is for no generation until 5:00 p.m. and then it will be on for four hours.  However, we know about Monday projections!

If the fish were having a hard time taking our flies yesterday, it was because we were having a hard time getting them in the water where we wanted them.  Carolyn had Tony and Geoff from Springfield, Mo. on the water yesterday morning.  The dark clouds kept rolling through being pushed by strong winds.  If you could get your fly into the water, you’d probably catch a fish.  Early in the day the black zebra with the copper head was the best pattern.  When they stopped on this, the size 18 ruby midge was the ticket. 

Stan on the water today with Bob and Jim.  I think this was Bob’s second time to have a fly rod in his hands.  Caught quite a few fish, nothing big, but kept them busy.  Same scenario on flies as Saturday.  Black zebra with copper head early then switching to the size 18 ruby.  Good day on the water for Jim and his guests, Darrell and Jan from California.  in the morning the P&P with a blood worm midge worked best.  They tried the CQ streamer, in the a.m. when it was not the pattern, but he said the fish certainly turned on to it in the afternoon. 

Lots of folks fishing today.  Mixed reports from everyone coming into the shop.  Several were doing well on the black zebra copperhead then the ruby.  Some doing well stripping small black wooly buggers.  Egg patterns in the rebar area as well as tan scuds.  And, of course, some folks just couldn’t find the right pattern or place.

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