Water off and on…and so is fishing!

Weather…continued warm and sunny.  Haven’t seen much indication moisture in our near future.  Just temperatures remaining in the mid to upper 90s through the weekend into next week.

Generation has been spastic again…or still!  today it was supposed to be off until 2:00 p.m.  Guess what!  It came on around 9:30 a.m.  One day, it was supposed to be on and it was off.  At least we have had pretty good weekends so far.

Skip, from Kansas, spent the day with Stan Monday.  Fishing was better in the morning with one unit going and they probably caught most of their fish for the day in the a.m.  Best on the big ruby and the CQ streamer.  Around noon, the second unit came on, the water got pretty dirty and fishing slowed down.  The good news was the weather, around 85-88 degrees and overcast.

Tuesday, was a good day for everyone…not a great day, but a good day.  Stan had Mike from California out for the day.  Mike is planning to move to Branson as soon as he can find a home.  Their morning started out with no generation and they pulled the CQ streamer.  At noon, they turned on two generators, so it was time to take a break for lunch to let the dirt drift on through.  Not fast in furious in the afternoon, but they did pull some fish on the big ruby with either a rusty or scud dropper.  Jim had Terry, from Defiance, MO out for the morning.  Where they saw fish dimpling, they fished an orange size 18 midge cluster.  Otherwise, it was the CQ olive size 10 streamer.  Darrell has one of his customers from Minnesota, John, out for the morining.  Their best pattern was the black zebra with copper head and copper wire.

Wednesday was a good streamer stay for Paul and Joe from Nebraska.  Paul has fished with Jim several times over the past three years or so and brought Jim a newbie, Joe.  They had a fun day on the size 8-10 CQ streamer.   Dana had Wayne, from Marshfield  and Dave, from Illinois, out for half a day.  Their best pattern was the red midge.

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