Good Surface and Sub-surface Day

100s for a few more days, then it looks like a cool off Sunday through Tuesday….tehmperatures in the 80s.  Wow!  Low 90s to mid 90s into next weekend.  That would be a nice break.  Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a hint of moisture in our future at this time.

Generation continues to give the waders lots of morning wading.  On in the afternoons and generally off by 10:00 p.m.

Really good day for Jim and his guests, Scotts and Adrea, from St. Joseph. MO.  Had a fun morning start using a orange bodied crackleback in a size 18 on the surface.  Best of the day was the size 10 CQ streamer. 

Folks coming into the shop are doing well on a variety of patterns.  Several days of soft hackle action, especially yellow, orange, olive and bright green.  Starting to hear the red midge working again, and the holographic green crackleback and olive size 12-14 wooly buggers are still producing.  You just have to look for the best drifts or pockets of fish to work.

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