A Taste of Spring!

Yes, Table Rock Lake is below pool, 914.6 feet and Beaver is just a tad above pool at 1120.2.  Projection for Monday is 35 MWH, which should hold the Taneycomo tailwater in the 704 to 705 range again today.  This is pretty much where it stayed yesterday.  Saturday held in this range also except for late at night when they jumped it up to 706.8.  Weather has been absolutely wonderful!  A bit of a breeze, but with temperatures in the upper 60s and lots of sunshine, we can take the breeze!  Forecast is warm and sunny today.  We will start getting chances for showers this evening through Wednesday.  Let’s hope they are not significant.  It would be nice to keep Table Rock at power pool for a while so they can turn on the generators.

 Friday, the two guys from Michigan, John and Jim, finished up their stay with one more float with Jim.  They had a good day on the water.  Tthe red midge and pink San Juan dropper were working well.  They also caught lots of the fish on the olive Bug-Eyed bugger.  Jim from Michigan, had another streamer pattern that he pulled out of his box which did really well.  Our Jim has a couple samples and is tying up some to see if they are a consistent player in our water.  We will keep you posted.  Meanwhile, Stan was out with one of his regulars, Jim from the Kansas City area.  Unfortunately, Jim has been having some health problems and just did not feel like fishing for a while.  Glad to say, he is healthy again and had a wonderful 1/2 day throwing the size 18 ruby midge under the a larger ruby and catching lots of fish. 

Saturday, Jim had Jeff and Justin, from Oklahoma out for a 1/2 day float.  Good day for them.  They caught fish on the red midge with a pink San Juan worm dropper and gots lots of help with casting, line work, and variations of presentation for different fly types. 

Sunday Stan and Carolyn took the "Louisiana Connection" out for a long 1/2 day.  Of course, Dawn (aka "The Stripper") was in the boat with Carolyn and Stan had Albert and James Albert in his boat.  Great day on the water!  Lots of sunshine, lots of fish and lots of fun.  Best pattern was the size 18 ruby midge. Still catching some "dinks", but not like we were earlier.  Also, still catching lots of males in spawn.  We did try and did catch fish on the sinking leader with the filoplume, and caught fish; the olive wooly bugger, and caught fish; and the bug-eyed bugger, and caught fish.  But, nothing like the ruby!  This was her day. 


                                            Dawn – 3/7/10

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