Before the Rains Came

Wednesday, Stan squeaked in a 1/2 day float for Greg from Kansas and his nephew Phillip from the St. Louis, Missouri area.  Couple of nice guys who needed a break from their daily grind.  They missed a lot of fish but also caught a lot during the trip on the red size 16 midge with a pink San Juan dropper and the #12 olive wooly bugger.  Only had 3 generators going at 707.5′  Nice float when the wind would lay down. 

In the past 2-1/2 days, the Table Rock Lake level managed to get below 916.  However, think this might be a short-lived level based on all the rain we have been having.  They have also shut the generation down the past 5 nights around midnight and left it off from 3 to 6 hours.  At 2:00 p.m. today, we are still at 915.7 in Table Rock and they are currently running all four generators.  It will take a few days to see the impact the runoff from the rains will have on Table Rock.



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